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nScreenNoise – Content discovery and AI, FASTs, TV’s futurenScreenMedia

This week, experts from ThinkAnalytics, Wurl, TiVo, and Plex go deep into content discovery, looking at artificial intelligence, FAST channels, and the future of discovery.

This week’s podcast is something a little bit different. On May 25th, I was at the TV of Tomorrow Show in San Francisco to moderate a panel entitled Turning discovery into a revenue earner for your service. On hand for the discussion were:

  • Craig Heiting, Head of Corporate Strategy, Wurl
  • Greg Riker, CRO, ThinkAnalytics
  • Jon Heim, Senior Director of Product Management for TiVo Discovery Solutions, Xperi
  • Scott Hancock, VP of Marketing, Plex

We covered a wide variety of topics in the 50-minute session, examining the critical topic of content discovery from various angles. I’m going to bring you a few edited highlights from the discussion focused on AI, FASTs, and the future of discovery. To catch the full discussion and listen to any of the other great panels and presentations at the conference, hop over to the TV of Tomorrow Show website –

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Now, let’s hear the panelists introduce themselves and what they have to say about AI, FAST channel discovery, and how discovery is going to get better in the near future.

Introductions (3:00)

Artificial Intelligence and content discovery (3:30)

Improving FAST channel discovery (12:10)

Upcoming improvements in content discovery (18:00)

My thanks to Tracy Swedlow and Richard Osborne, the TV of Tomorrow Show producers, for permission to bring you these excerpts. nScreenMedia is a long-time media sponsor of the show, and we highly recommend that you add it to your yearly calendar and consider sponsoring it.


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