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Home » Mx3 Barcelona 2024: Your invitation to an in-person, non-traditional media summit  | What’s New in Publishing

Mx3 Barcelona 2024: Your invitation to an in-person, non-traditional media summit  | What’s New in Publishing

Mx3 Barcelona is an exclusive, off-the-record gathering of leaders, innovators and mavericks driving specialist media forward. Organized and hosted by Di5rupt (Media Makers Meet – Mx3), it is being held on 12/13th March 2024 in Barcelona, Spain. Hurry – attendance is limited to 200 people.

Following a hugely successful Mx3 Berlin, Di5rupt is proud to announce the launch of its next summit, Mx3 Barcelona.

Organised and hosted by Di5rupt (Media Makers Meet – Mx3), Mx3 Barcelona exists for independent creators, consumer and B2B media and information services, technologists and other service providers at the forefront of empowering media for defined communities of interest.

The event will take place on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th March 2024 at the RBA Revistas building in central Barcelona, and will be an a-typical summit that includes:

  • An exclusive audience of no more than 200 people. Deliberately designed for a more personalised experience.
  • An informal connection- and conversation-friendly atmosphere. A major emphasis will be on informal, social networking to cement new ties and build business relationships.
  • Speaker sessions are off the record, conversation-led, with active audience participation. If you’re in the room, you are part of our conversations with international speakers. Chatham House rules apply.

In addition to an informal evening dinner (on Tuesday 12th), there will be a post-event social get-together in the afternoon of 13 March for those staying on longer in Barcelona.

Mx3 Barcelona is launching with an exclusive, limited-time offer, starting at €498 pp for groups of 5+ people and €598 for individuals.

For further details and ticket purchases, please visit the Mx3 Barcelona website

Draft Schedule

Similar to Mx3 Berlin, the schedule will run along the following lines:

Tuesday 12 March:

  • 10 am: Registration, coffee and conversation
  • 11 am: Fireside chats and panel discussions
  • 1 pm: Lunch and conversations
  • 2 pm: Fireside chats and panel discussions
  • 4 pm: Coffee and conversations
  • 4:30 pm: Round table discussions
  • 6:30 pm: Dinner social and conversations (off-site)

Wednesday 13 March:

  • 9 am: Coffee and conversation
  • 10 am: Fireside chats and panel discussions
  • 12:30 pm: Lunch and conversations
  • 1:30 pm: Fireside chats and panel discussions
  • 3 pm: Programme close, drinks and conversation
  • 5 pm: End of Mx3 Barcelona

What people said about Mx3 Berlin:

Thanks for having me, and congratulations on bringing together a brilliant audience and event! ~ Senior leader at Burda Principal Investments, Germany.

I liked your approach to speaker sessions. The topics were up to date, and the content was insightful. It was very interesting and entertaining at the same time. The networking was also amazing, with the Market Hall choice for evening networking adding a nice touch. ~ Business leader in the M&A sector, USA

The event was wonderful. I’ve never been to a conference like that for people who work in specialist media. It was fantastic to be around people who do what I do. I gained so much from the experience. I would love for you to run more. ~ Senior leader, Infopro Digital, France.

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