Universal’s upcoming monster thriller, directed by “Scream” and “Scream VI” filmmakers Radio Silence, has added to its buzzy cast, with Kathryn Newton (“Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania,” “Big Little Lies”), Angus Cloud (‘Euphoria”) and Will Catlett (“A Thousand and One,” “Constellation”) signing on for the film.
The trio join “Scream VI” star Melissa Barrera, Alisha Weir, Dan Stevens and Kevin Durand in the yet-to-be-titled movie, which is set for release on April 19, 2024.
Radio Silence’s Matt Bettinelli-Olpin & Tyler Gillett will direct the project from a script by Stephen Sheilds, with revisions by Guy Busick. Radio Silence’s Chad Villella serves as producer alongside William Sherak, Paul Neinstein and James Vanderbilt at Project X Entertainment. Tripp Vinson will also produce.
Details of the plot are being kept under wraps but the movie is described as being in the vein of Universal’s most recent monster movies, “Renfield” and “The Invisible Man,” which “provide a unique take on legendary monster lore and will represent a fresh, new direction for how to celebrate these classic characters.” It’s notable too that these films are not part of a shared, interconnected universe.
Jay Polidoro, Holly Goline, Kelly Cannon and Jacqueline Garell are overseeing the project on behalf of the studio.
Cloud is repped by UTA, Sam Lutfi and Jamie Afifi at Afifi Law; Newton is repped by WME, Entertainment 360, Independent PR & Hansen, Jacobson, Teller, Hoberman, Newman, Warren, Richman, Rush, Kaller, Gellman, Meigs & Fox; and Catlett is repped by A3 Artists Agency and Sugar23.
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