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Inside the Stream – AI drives the Cineverse-Gracenote dealnScreenMedia

AI is revolutionizing the value chain of video creation, delivery, and discovery. The Cineverse-Gracenote partnership and other initiatives show how.

Top News Stories (2:00)

Cineverse-Gracenote deal bolsters text, voice discovery, and revenue (7:00)

This week, Cineverse moved to enhance its metadata further in a deal with Nielsen’s Gracenote. Cinesearch, Cineverse’s search feature, will add Gracenote’s TV show movie metadata to its existing data sets. The deal will enhance the ability of Cinesearch and Ava to more quickly connect a viewer with something great to watch from Cineverse’s vast library of content. According to Tony Huidor, CTO & COO of Cineverse:

“Our partnership with Gracenote increases the number of films and TV shows that are discoverable by users and allows us to offer CineSearch users title information with intensity rankings – when paired with a user’s viewing history, streaming service filters, and content preferences.”

AI drives the Cineverse-Gracenote deal (9:00)

Cineverse has an AI search chatbot called Ava, which requires excellent metadata. AI is helping enrich the metadata with enhanced information such as mood and tone. TiVo data shows the value of Ava. 80% of people entering an app do not know what they want to watch. Almost half of people visit 3 or 4 apps before they finally settle on something to watch. The message is clear: get someone to content they want to watch fast, or they will move to the next app. This is where an AI chatbot like Ava could be so valuable. If it can engage people in a conversation about what they might want and deliver something appropriate, people are far less likely to move to the next app. And that is why AI drives the Cineverse-Gracenote deal.

Many are ready to converse with their TV about the content (15:00)

A surprising finding in the TiVo Video Trends Report data is that 30% of voice control users already try to converse with the TV. This data suggests the Ava approach could find a willing and eager audience.

Newsrooms are already using Generative AI (19:00)

70% of newsrooms use AI to create various content. The technology is also being used to create hyper-local weather reports. It is finding applications throughout the video value chain of delivery.

Papercup uses GenAI to create language versions of narrations (21:00)

I discuss my interview with Garrett Goodman, VP of Sales at Papercup, from last year. The company uses GenAI to create different language overdubs for documentaries, news, and similar content. If you want to hear the full interview, you can find it here, or search your podcast manager for nScreenMedia and add the nScreeNoise podcast.



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