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Home » Please enjoy this video of news outlets as glass jars rolling down the stairs

Please enjoy this video of news outlets as glass jars rolling down the stairs

What Twitter is still good for: nerdy, insider-y humor about the news business. Also, cluing you in to TikTok trends.

On Tuesday, Claire Tran, an audience strategist for IndieGraf, tweeted a video of “news outlets as glass jars rolling down stairs,” playing off of a viral TikTok account that posts videos of glass jars rolling down flights of stairs. (The original video has more than 296 million views.)

Tran stitched logos of news outlets next to different clips of jars and bottles rolling, shattering, making a lot of noise, and mess.

Gannett dramatically hits the wall after falling off one step and spins out of control. NPR, a jar of maraschino cherries, nearly makes it to the bottom of the stairs in one piece before shattering.

The video had over 600,000 views as of Wednesday morning.

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