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nScreenNoise – Syncbak CEO interview: Zeam local TV nexusnScreenMedia

As audiences move to connected TV viewing, finding local TV news becomes a challenge. This Syncbak CEO interview explains how the new service Zeam helps local TV thrive on CTV.

Average audience for local key time slots 2016 2022Local news and current affairs remain as popular as ever with US viewers. But how audiences want to engage with it has shifted dramatically. According to Pew Research, in 2016, late-night local news attracted 4.2 million viewers. In 2022, 3 million tuned-in viewers, a decrease of 29%. Over the same period, morning local news audiences decreased by 31% to 2 m. And cord-cutting accelerated in 2023, likely driving local news audiences even lower.

Local TV stations have begun to take connected TV delivery seriously, but going it alone with an app, web app, and social media is challenging. That is where a new service from Syncbak, called Zean, comes in. In this interview with Syncbak CEO and founder Jack Perry, he explains how the new service builds on the learnings of its predecessor, VUit, to help Local Broadcasters flourish in the connected TV world.

Do you want to get up-to-speed fast on the connected TV platform market? Then, you need to take the new nScreenMedia class Getting to Grips with Connected TV Platforms – a primer on the gatekeepers of the CTV market. In just over an hour, you’ll learn what a TV OS is, why it matters, the strengths and weaknesses of the big providers, and where the market is headed. Point your browser at and sign up for the class today!

About Syncbak (3:30)

The company powers local TV streaming.

About Zeam (4:30)

A one-stop shop for everything local. Mr. Perry explains how he used what he learned from VUit to make Zeam.

Who are the backers, which channels, and what content (7:30)

Paramount Global is the biggest participant in Zeam. It brings all its owned and operated channels to the platform. Gray Television is also a primary investor and participant.

Original content from local broadcasters is also available (9:50)

Many local events that the local broadcast stations don’t cover will be available in Zeam. Zeam 360 is a mobile unit broadcasting 24×7 from wherever it is.

The business model for Zeam and participants (12;50)

Our business model is that a broadcaster brings us the content, and we’ll make them money.

Zeam local-level Super Bowl ads (14:00)

Syncbak placed ads during the Super Bowl.

Where is Zeam available? (15:10)

What is in the future for Zeam? (17:50)


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